

Harmonic Rhythm in Seed:Loops

13 August 2022 by Brian Hearn music, apps, seedloops

Introduction This week I released an update to Seed:Loops . Along with a number of usability, stability, and bug fixes I introduced two new features to the chord loops page. Number of chords The first feature gives you the ability to adjust the number of chords. Previously the generated four chords each lasted one bar and this was the only option available. This is a good starting point but didn’t give you too much flexibility.

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Play Store Organic Traffic

28 July 2022 by Brian Hearn app

Introduction tl;dr : $0.04 My app Seed:Loops has been out for about 6 weeks now. I’ve not done any marketing, providing you don’t count a couple of tweets to my (checks Twitter) 18 followers! In that time I’ve picked up a handful of users which has given me some stats to look over. It’s not much, but everyone likes stats so I’m going to share them. Play Store Stats All of my user acquisition has come from Google Play search.

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